Tuesday, 25 January 2011

a reader profile presentation

Hello :) I was assigned a task to carry out research on a music magazine called 'MOJO' with a fellow pupil and produce a powerpoint... =)

Mojo magazine is not one I am familiar with, but from this task I found out that this magazine is distributed only in the UK; with a circulation of roughly 100,000 monthly. The magazine is published by Europe's largest privately owned publishing group, Bauer since 2008.
However it was first published on 15th October 1993 by a British media company called EMAP. The magazine seems to be aimed at the middled age group as their frequent artists in the magazine such as band group - The Beatles and the magazine front covers are most of the time black and white.
I have attached a link for my powerpoint if you would like to view it the link is...


Taarinee said...
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